Apr 26, 2011

Self Auditing

A Thought on Lent

Lent is an experience....
Lent is a new way of living....
Lent is a counter culture.....
Lent is a confrontation...........

Fifty days lent is a season of auditing.....

What to audit...?Our Life......What we received from God are the income.......What we have done for God are the Expenditure. Time, money, responsibilities, talents and other gifts are included in the income. Our attitude towards others, sharing, sacrifice, and readiness to bear cross for Christ will come under the expenditure

Who is the auditor?We ourselves.......all family members.....

Where to sit........?Come to the premise of Crucified Christ.....
Look at the Cross.....
Have a look at the mutilated body of Christ.......
Sit under the cross.....

Where to present the audited accounts...?

Call the General Body Meeting.......Family Prayer....
Present the accounts....
Present the Balance Sheet......
Let the General Body Members speak..........

What is the nature of your account...?

Just say to God.........

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