May 11, 2011

John 21:1-19

Risen Christ's encounter with withdrawn disciples

John 20:1-19 is an interesting text in many respects.

1. This is a post-resurrection narration in John. But in Luke(Luke 5:1-11) it is described as an event which happened in the early part of Jesus' ministry.

2. This text describes many topics like,

Withdrawal of the disciples

Disciples' fishing after a long time

Failure of the disciple

Jesus' appearance and his words

A good fishing at the end

Peter's reaction

A divine breakfast fellowship at the sea shore.

3. There were only seven disciples. It describes that disciples were scattered after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

4. This text portrays the fact that Christ is ready to accept a community which was a failure. Disciples were not courage enough to face the cross of Christ so they were ran away from Christ. They were ended up in their previous vocation. Even in that vocation too they were a failure. They could not catch any fish.

Reflections are given below

1. Dynamism of ResurrectionWe could find the real encounter between a dejected community and risen Christ

a). A Dejected Community. Seven disciples gathered at the shore of Tiberias symbolises a community which is dejected, aimless and they were controlled by fear. They were afraid of the powers of death and they were wanted to avoid the challenges of the crucified Christ. They were withdrawn and their body language, words and the aimless journey shows that they were really dejected and in despair.

b).Risen Christ. Christ symbolises a person who was overruled the thorns of the death and defeated agents of death.

This encounter transfers the real dynamism of resurrection to the dejected and withdrawn community.

2. Vision and Words of the Leader. “Simon Peter said to them, I am going fishing. They said to him, We will go with you”(V.3). Words and decision of Peter had a great influence on other disciples. The leaders of every community had a great role in forming the vision and mission of the community which he/she represent. Their words and vision have a vital role in moulding the vision and mission of others.

3. Realisation of the “nakedness”. “When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea”(V.7). Peter realised that he is naked and is not ready to face is Lord. Encounter with Christ is the occasion to realise the nakedness of our life. Each and every worship teaches that God is Holy and we are not.

4. The net full of Fish. A dejected community need an empowering experience to retain their confidence and self respect. Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Paul and many other had this experience. A dejected community had a good achievement and that made them together and more powerful. They were come out of their fear, parochialism and works together for a common cause, bring the fish to sea shore.

5. Invitation of Jesus. “Come and have breakfast”(v.12). Jesus prepared breakfast for them and extended invitation to the disciples. Jesus’ invitation was not only to take part in the breakfast but it was a call towards the fellowship of his Kingdom. It was an invitation to reinstate the fellowship and togetherness. This invitation helped the disciples to come out of their fear of death.

6. A Divine Breakfast. Jesus transformed an ordinary breakfast into a Divine breakfast. Jesus prepared the food, he prepared the table and he served the food(v.13). This divine breakfast still continues through the Holy Communion. In every meal Christ reveal himself to the Church.

But the questions are:

1. Do we have the dynamism of resurrection today?

2. Are we a dejected and withdrawn community?

3. Do we empower others trough our words and actions?

4. Are we have the negativism in our words and actions?

5. Do we have the courage to accept our ‘nakedness’?

6. Do we see the signs of empowerment in the history today?

7. Even today Jesus extends his invitation to take part in the meal with him...where are we?

8. Do we have the eagerness to take part in the divine meal prepared by our Lord?

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