May 24, 2011

Justice+Truth = Forgiveness

Jeremiah 5:1

“Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, look around and take note! Search its squares and see if you can find one person who acts justly and seeks truth- so that I may pardon Jerusalem”.

Justice and truth and its relation with God’s forgiveness and redemption are the important themes of this verse. God is lamenting about a community which lost truth and justice. This verse speaks about the utter corruption of the God’s people. Prophet is asked to search for the people who upholds truth and justice so that nation would experience forgiveness and liberation from God

God is searching for the people who acts justly. Justice is more than a value and it is a way of life. One who acts justly could not discriminate anybody(on the basis of colour, caste, class, gender, wealth, religion). The people and community acts justly always fight against injustice and falsehood. They search for equality and they engage themselves for the needs of the others. When we act justly we are with our God. Justice could not differentiate between our needs and the needs of others. One who acts justly cannot be a ruler but he/she will be a cotraveller to others. Justice never dominates but it empowers the weak and marginalised. Justice is find in living relationship not in lethargic/ formal/ market relationship. Justice cannot be imposed through military invasions. But it can be possible through the power of love. Justice is a vision. Justice is dream. Justice is a way of life. Justice is a culture. Justice lives in the communities that fear the Lord and serve the Lord.

God is searching for the people who seeks truth. Truth is a journey and it is a process of realisation. Truth is revealed in relationship. Truth cannot be silent in the midst of falsehood and injustice. When truth is denied or suppressed or silenced God is denied/suppressed/silenced. But truth cannot be suppressed or silenced for long time. It will be revealed or the ultimate victory is with the truth. Seeking truth is seeking Godhead. Seeking truth is denying the falsehood. There will be struggle in the search of truth. Journey of truth never ends. It is a movement and it keeps on moving. Truth is found only to those who seek and look forward for the redemption of others. Truth is not an abstract value but it is a living and realising experience. Truth cannot be found in any colonial and dominating premises.

God’s forgiveness is received by embracing justice and truth. Liberation and redemption is a reality when we accept justice and truth as part and parcel of our life . God’s forgiveness is not an individualistic experience but it is a spontaneous gift from God when we act justly and seek truth

Prayer Lord make us as a community that act justly and seeks truth in the world where injustice and falsehood dominate so that we may experience God’s forgiveness. Helps us to support the justice and truth in our daily living

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