Mark 3:20-22
New International Version(NIV) says, " When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind"... the teachers of the law who came down form Jerusalem said, "He is possessed by Beelzebub!....."
New Revised Standard Version says, "When his family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, " He has gone out of his mind"....
Listen...Jesus said, "Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man."(Luke:6:22).
Madness of Jesus and disciples...a construct of the dominant, sinful, unjust forces...
Why they ( People, family, religious leaders) made such a defaming allegation against Jesus?
In Jesus' time there were many rules and regulations made by the dominant sections
(religious leaders,rich,elite, powerful...)which excluded many(women, gentiles, sick,crippled,children, Samaritan....) from the main strata and used this laws to safeguard their interests(power,wealth,status..)and to oppress many......
Jesus visited the houses of the excluded...
Jesus dined with them....
Jesus healed them....
Jesus embraced them.....
Jesus accepted the dignity of each person irrespective of the dominant constructs....
Jesus made them as the inheritors of the Kingdom of God.....
Jesus accepted sinners who repented......
Jesus spoke with them.............
Jesus challenged the constructs of the dominant....
Jesus challenged the discrimination...
Jesus challenged the patriarchy....
Jesus challenged caste ism.........
Jesus challenged the hypocrisy.....
Jesus challenged the powerful,rich.........
Jesus taught to love your enemies...
Jesus taught to reconcile...
Jesus taught to be the agents of justice and peace.....
Jesus taught to share yourself......your wealth........
Jesus moved against the establishments of the sinful....
Jesus turned his face from the unjust with anger.......
Jesus denied the power, wealth, fame.....they offered to him....
they said....he is out of his mind.....
Are we ready to move with our Lord, Saviour and Liberator.......?
Are we ready to hear....he is out of his mind.....fools..don't know how to accumulate wealth.....
Jesus spoke differently, walked differently, taught to be different........
then they said....he is out of his mind......
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