Exodus 1:15-21 "The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiprah and other Puah, "when you act as midwives to the Hebrew women, and see them on the birthstool, if it is a boy, kill him....But the midwives feared God;they didnot do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live.."
How God acts in the history...?
Through Godfearing people.....
Through the people who have the boldness to say no to the orders of the evil.....
Midwives disobeys the Kingly command and act according to God's will.....and God blessed them with families(v.21)
Resisting the evil is the reponsibility of a Godfearing person....
Protect life, affirm faith in God and do God's will......
Midwives counter the violence....in so doing, they bear witness to mothering power of God, whose will for life overrides the killing, and whose power for life is undeterred by the death dispensed by the powerful.....
Midwives...insignificant women took part in the will of God......
Do we have the courage to say NO to EVIL....and YES to God....
If we continue the silence.....or if we obey the orders of Evil....we are also taking part in the violence.........
As children of God....let our hands do the will of God...let our toungue speak truth and justice....let our legs walk in the paths which our God shows...let our eyes see God......let our decisions and actions for the extension of the Kingdom of God....
If we do not act with our God today........or if we silent today in the midst of evil.........
Jesus said."..I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out"
(Luke 19:40)
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