St.Mathew 5:13 " You are like salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but it is thrown out and trampled under foot."
This text indicates the nature and purpose of the church in this earth.....
Salt is salt due to its saltiness...if saltines is lost...then it is not salt...only WASTE.......
Retaining saltiness is an important retaining saltiness....we are developing a counter identity...identity which resist the evil...resisting decay...
resisting tastelessness......
Be active...dynamic like salt.....
Salt creates a new community....entirely different from other...a community of counter identity..... inclusive quality..
Saltness...quality of the salt defines its identity....nothing else.... resist...the tastelessness....decay.... inherent and embedded quality....
Saltness....not an ornamental quality...but....
As a of disciples...we are called to be like salt....
Be a counter community...a community which resist powers of death..and uphold the values of life.....
Our identity is defined by its inherent qualtiy.....not by outer expressions...
Our identity is not ornamental but it is inherent....
We are called to be a transforming community.....we are called to be a transformed community.....we are called to be a living community
How this saltness can be attained......from God....
Be with God...move with God....make discourses with our God....
Let our God rule in our perceptions...hearts and minds...
Then...this saltiness will be wihin us...
Salt is salt due to its saltiness...
Church is Church...due its quality...counter idenity..mission...
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