Dec 12, 2011

God Occupied the Earth

As a faith community or as a faith movement we believe in a living God. Living God always intervene in the whole creation with God’s words and actions. God’s intervention in the human history and cosmos is not accidental but determined and intentional. God is not a sleeping God. But our God is dynamic and living in the life of the whole creation through God’s divine engagements
Christmas is not a simple story but it is a divine engagement in the midst of darkness.
God occupied the whole creation in the form of a human being to redeem the life of this earth from the hands of sinful forces.
God occupied the earth
God occupied this earth because God loved the whole creation
God occupied the local space by presenting God self in a manger
God occupied the Public square/sphere by taking birth in a crowded street
God occupied the whole universe by selecting the small village Bethlehem as the birth place of our Saviour
God occupied the earth through by sending God’s own son to this earth

But why God didn’t consider Herod’s Palace as Jesus’ birth place even it is safe, hygienic and luxurious

Deliberately God rejected the emperors and empires and decided to be with the space, people and place which are ready to share its resources with God and others

Deliberately God chose the public square for God’s incarnation as Herod and Powerful denied their space for God by going after the Power, money, fame and materialism, the Un-Gods. Poor Joseph and Mary are from the lower strata of the society and they never thought to go to palace as it was a closed space for them. It was not accessible to them. Palace a symbol of colonialism, power, domination, and it was controlled by the sinful forces.

Deliberately God chose the public square for God’s incarnation as hierarchy, exploitation, hypocrisy, and self righteousness took control of the local and public space. The Temple of God was full of corruption, pride and it was driven by theories of business and commerce and later Jesus initiated the process of cleansing.

All thought that God’s incarnation will be through palace or through Jerusalem or in a way at Herod’s palace or through the Jerusalem’s spirituality. But it was not happened as they were controlled and ruled by the sin. But God chose poor Bethlehem and chose Mary and Joseph as they were found their joy in God....God only...

God's occupation in this earth is the story of the transforming engagement of our Redeeming God.............

God Occupied the earth to affirm life...................
God occupied the earth to redeem the whole earth from the hands of the Emperors of the the religion and politics......

1 comment:

  1. And then the God (and Godessess) who were "supposed" to be creating man was found to be the most brilliant creation of man to control and manipulate his fellow human beings... isn't it true revd.? Thats when Man created God (and Godesses) and thus lay the corner stone for human tragedy...
