Dec 22, 2011


"Do you know why I have decided to serve the Church outside the ordained ministry? Every ordained minister is expected to maintain and in reality is maintaining order and peace in the Parishes in the face of any amount of injustice, that may prevail there. And I want to quarrel, because that is the only effective way of serving the Church, the Church being what it is today. I do not say, I have made myself worthy of the rich heritage that is mine - but if God wills. I shall pick more quarrels with the bishops, the clergy and the laity and with myself - for we as a Chruch have to be perfected. I believe every young man and woman is called to do that, for the sake of the Church that is to be". Dr. M M Thomas


  1. God and his power are just so unquestionable.Great post indeed.Keep the juices flowing.
