Dec 12, 2012

Massacre of Infants – A violent reaction against Truth and God’s Grace

Massacre of Infants – A violent reaction against Truth and God’s Grace

King Herod was waiting for the return of wise men so that he could kill the Saviour to protect his power and empire. It is evident that birth of Christ exposed the very nature of the forces of death and the hidden agenda of King Herod. Birth of the Prince of Peace became a threat to the forces of death and they were trying to annihilate the source of divine peace. 

Christmas talks about a tension between revealed divine truth and sinfulness. Divine truth and divine grace will expose the sin and those who are not ready to repent will be reacted violently and those who will ready to repent will share the joy of salvation. 

“When the King Herod heard this, frightened, and all Jerusalem was with him….” (Matthew 2: 3)  “…..he (Herod) was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem…..” (Matthew 3: 16) 

Massacre of infants is the real portrayal of how the perpetuators of violence functions when the divine truth and divine grace flows towards the marginalised. Let us ponder on the question, Why King Herod frightened at the birth of Jesus?

1. Jesus - The embodiment of Truth: The Word became flesh and lived among us; the Word was the revelation of truth.  “….truth came through Jesus Christ…..” (John 1: 17). In Jesus we find the embodiment of the truth, it uncovered the covered because truth comes from God and those who realise the truth will walk in light.   “…..for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing is secret that will not become known” (Matt: 10:26). Herod was ruling the country by using his iron hands and he realised that the presence of divine truth will expose the imposed peace on the people and he declared the order for massacre and thereby King Herod declared war against the embodiment of the truth. Herod symbolises the people and communities that fears truth. Emperors of this world and their empires built on the imposed peace will not last long as the divine truth is revealed in Jesus. 

Emperors of this world and their agents will try to annihilate the truth by using their power structures and it is a reality even today in all realm of life. 

2.  God’s Grace and the Empowerment: John 1: 14-17 says through Jesus grace came down and lived among us and thereby the whole creation received the grace upon grace. God’s grace will be upon those who are powerless, just, righteous, trust in God, and weak in the sight of the Lord. When God’s grace is filled on the earth and social premise the weak will be empowered, recovery of sight to the blind, release to the captives, freedom to the oppressed and people will walk in the light of the Lord. God’s empowering grace will be a threat to all forces of death and it is evident in the reaction of Herod. God’s grace will strengthen those who could not speak due to the imposed social and political stigmas (Mary, Hannah, Lepers, Blind Man, Samaritan Woman, gentiles, sick, children etc.). God’s grace is the only source of strength to those who are on the way towards new heaven and earth.

Grace of God is still working among the people who are weak, trust in God, afflicted, and fighting for justice and that trust in God in their journey of hope and struggle. The new forms of Herod are alive today and   they engage themselves to stop flow of the grace of God among the people who are praying to God for God’s power and grace. 

Are we the agents of truth tellers or are we on the way to annihilate the truth? Are we afraid to hear truth? Are we ready to expose ourselves in the light of divine truth?  Do we afraid of the empowerment of the weak, afflicted and powerless through the grace of God or are we in the process to help those who are silenced, afflicted, thrown away from their lands by the modern Herods?

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