
"Thus says the Lord: Do not let the wise boast in their wisdom, do not let the mighty boast in their might, do not let the wealthy boast in their wealth: but let those who boast in this, that they understand and know me, that I am the Lord; I act with steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord"(Jeremiah 9: 23-24)
Prophet Jeremiah talks on behalf of God and teaches that we should boast ourselves in knowing a LOVING, JUST and RIGHTEOUS God.
Read the text in our Context...............where power, wisdom, and wealth play a vital role in our life.
We are proud in our might and power.................
We are proud in our wisdom..................
We are proud in our wealth.............................
We claim that we are the best.....
We relate our identity with power, wisdom and wealth...............
Let the mighty and powerful protect the powerless and weak......
Don't dominate....
Don't exploit others with our power and might.....
Let the wise make use of their wisdom for the empowerment of others...........
Don't be arrogant in our wisdom....
Let the rich share their wealth with the poor and needy...........
Don't carry capitalistic and exploitative values..............
AGAIN GOD SAYS......................
Don't boast in power, wisdom and wealth..............
But let us be proud to be the Children of God............
But let us find our happiness in KNOWING GOD.............
Let us boast ourselves in UNDERSTANDING GOD.........
If God is a Loving God.....
We should be boast in we are not to perpetuate violence but love....
If God is a Just God.....
We should be boast in we are called to be just.................
If God is a Righteous God.......
We should be boast in without righteousness there is no Kingdom of God....
AGAIN AND AGAIN GOD SAYS.......................
God always delight in Love, Justice and Righteousness.....
Knowing God is a faith is a is in relationship
Dialogue, sharing, reconciliation, mutual respect, non-hierarchical relationship are the virtues of this relationship.........................
Understanding God is a faith expression.... it is is in life....
Our witness reveals our understanding in God.......
Let us boast in Knowing God
Let us boast in Understanding God
Relate our identity with God......
Relate our identity with Love, Justice and Righteousness
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