Apr 27, 2011

Plot against the Risen Lazarus

The Plot to Kill Lazarus

" When the great crowd of the Jews learned that he(Jesus) was there, they came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death as well, since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were deserting and were believing in Jesus"(John 12:9-11)

This is an interesting passage. A group of people searching for the risen Lazarus. The simple reason was his witness brought many towards the premise of God's Kingdom(Christ). The religious leaders were engaged themselves in the mission of annihilation. They were looking for destroying all evidence or marks of Love of God through Christ. In a way they were in fear due to the life and ministry of Jesus. Life and ministry of Jesus enlightened the minds and hearts and thereby many abandoned the oppressive, ritualistic and lifeless religiosity. People started to choose life and they were empowered to deny the evil. Jesus created a premise which was just, life giving, and edifying in the midst of evil. So the forces of the evil wanted to destroy Christ and the symbols of Christ's life giving mission.

1. Christ and Forces of Evil(Death) Christ was a threat to the forces of death as he inaugurated a new world which was different from the the existing one. Naturally the advocates of the present system will be in danger and they will definitely plan to kill the advocates of the New World.

2. Risen Lazarus(symbol of life) and Forces of Death. Risen Lazarus was a threat to them because he was the witness to the life giving and life affirming mission of God. The forces of evil started a conspiracy not only to kill Jesus but also to kill the bearers of the God's righteous and life giving Kingdom

3. Powers of Death and their agenda. Powers of death were more concerned about their private agenda including power, profit than life, justice, love and God's reign. Their discourses and gatherings were centred around these agenda.................

Even today this plot is continuing....................
Evil forces are busy in the plot against the world of love, justice, equality, and life....
Evil forces wants to secure their power even by killing the advocates of life.......
If Church bear the witness of Risen Christ....Church is also under threat
They (evil) were in search of Christ and Risen Lazarus(Risen Church)

Where we place ourselves...............
With evil forces .....?
With Christ and Risen Lazarus......
What is the content of our discourses.............discourses of life or death..?
What is the intention of our gatherings.......is it a plot against others..?

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