Jul 29, 2010

....be at peace with one another

Mark 9:50 " ...Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."

Jesus is using an imagery to describe the nature of Christian life. What do you mean by Christian life? Christian life simply means life in Christ.....Jesus talks about the very nature of human life...have salt in yourselves.....have some quality in our life.....

God created human beings in God's own image....
God's own image talks about the very nature of God....
Nature of God is expressed through incarnation......
God incarnated as human being and lived with this world..................
God is revealed Godself by living....by being...
God is a God because God lives.....

If we are created by God's own image....we have to reveal ourselves by our way of living.....
Jesus talks about a qualitative life.....
If we loose our saltiness...the very nature of human life is lost....the very purpose of life is lost.

Jesus talks about two things

1. Have Salt in Yourselves.......salt is salt because of its saltiness.....if saltiness is lost, it is not salt anymore....our christian life is a struggle to regain our saltiness so that our life will be a meaningful life.
How we can regain our lost saltiness...
a) Prayer - Start a discourse with God
b) Word of God - Evolve a way of life based on God's words
c) Relationship - Be just in our relationship with GOD... with fellowbeings..
and with the nature
d)No compromise with the evil- uncompromising struggle against powers of darkness..

2.Be at peace with one another......Peace is not silence......Peace is not an abstract idea...but it is found in relationship. Peace is not a reality where there is Domination.....Peace can be a myth where there is Discrimintation....Peace and Justice go together....Peace does not exist where poverty exists......
Peace with one another means..........
Do not dominate but serve each other...
Do not discriminate but find value in all and consider all equally...
Do not accumulate but share each other.....
Don't think you are 'great'.....but consider others as 'great'.........................

This is a challenge.....our life will end soon....but think about our saltiness.....
Do we experiance the real peace in our life......if not....there is something wrong in our relationship with God, fellowbeings and nature...............

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