Jul 30, 2010

New Investment Plan.........................

Mathew 6: 19-21 " Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also...."

Treasures of this world.......and............Treasures in heaven
Jesus talks about the investment on earth and heaven.........
Investment on this earth is perishable.....but our investment in heaven is eternal...

Jesus raises a pertinent question...what kind of investment plan we have?

Let me put this in a simple story....

A man died and he reached at heaven and Peter was there infront of the heaven's gate. After the record verification Peter took him to the heaven to show his residence....
While he entered he really surprised....he could see big mansions there.....
He thought he will get one of those big mansions....at the end Peter showed him a small hut and said, this is your house ....He got angry and asked....why a small hut to me...even I could not enter into it...! Many others have big mansions.......
But Peter said...relax....we built your residence from whatever you have given to God.......some people invested more at heaven but some invested more on earth....
You invested more on the temporary living..but fogot to invest more on eternal living...........

How much time we are investing to God............Do we really make use of our resources for the extension of Kingdom of heaven?....our wealth....our children.....our wisdom..........

Invest more on God's Kingdom.....then our perception, values, vision, fututre......all will be moulded by God.....

Search for our hearts today...if we struggle for God's Kingdom...then it is owned and controlled by God....


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