Jul 22, 2010

God's Kingdom and the Church......

Mathew 10:40-42 "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet's reward; and whoever welcomes a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive the reward of the righteous; and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple- truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward."

Jesus Christ talks about a reciprocal relationship between God,Son and disciples...
Disciples of Jesus are the agents of God's Kingdom and they are taking part in the Kingdom movement which started through Christ.Here Jesus defines the role of the people in the Kingdom movement......

This text encourages us to take part in the Kingdom movement in different ways....

1. Support the people who are directly engaging themselves in the Kingdom movement by welcoming them. Kingdom of God is a reality today and many people directly or indirectly take part in this movement. As a church we are called to be a Kingdom movement and at the same time we are called to encourage the people who are in this movement. Show our solidarity with the people of the Kingdom movement by supporting them.

2. God considers our small initiates like giving 'a cup of cold water'.Whatever we do for the extension of God's Kingdom will be counted. God counts even our small and minute contributions.

3.Identify the people in the Kingdom movement....declare our solidarity with them and help the Kingdom movement by supporting the prophets, righteous and the little ones.

God's Kingdom is alive in the struggles of the people like right to live, right to have food, drinking water, right to education, .......

God's Kingdom is alive in the missionary movements where they are striving for empowerment of the weak, powerless, poor, discriminated and marginalised.......

God is active in this history through prophets, righteous people and little ones......but beware of true and false prophets, true and false disciples of Christ.....

How many of us taking part in the Kingdom of God directly or indirectly........
How many of us declares our solidarity with the people who are in the Kingdom movement......

There are missionary movements, social movements....but do we know them? Do we receive them? Do we welcomes them? Remember our God counts even the minute initiative of us towards the Kingdom movement.......

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