Jul 21, 2010

Find the Value of Kingdom of God.....

Mathew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field...."

This parable teaches many lessons.....

1. Without loosing "precious things of today" God's Kingdom will not be a reality.....The person who found the treasure went and sold everything he has and bought a small piece of land.

2. One who search for Kingdom will get it.....treasure is hidden ...who will get it? Only a pilgrim community could attain the Kingdom of God. We are called to be dynamic in our serach with God...........

3. God's Kingdom brings real joy...the joy of this world will last for a few seconds...but the joy of the Kingdom of heaven is eternal.....

4. One who knows the value of Kingdom of God could strive for it.....who knows the value of the treasure? Only who knows about the value of the treasure could buy that treasure..many people might have seen that treasure but they could not find value in it......

Remember there are many great things are still hidden.........
Do we interested in search of it?
Sometimes people will laugh at us because we bought a small piece of "useless land" by selling everything.......let them laugh.......but we know the value hidden in it.....

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