Jul 20, 2010

Morning prayer for peace

Morning prayer for peace

God of life,
in the early light of this new day
I want to treasure the opportunity you give me
to wake up enveloped in your peace.
I know that today I will face many different situations.
The world, unfortunately, has not changed much
since last night, which you prepared for me to rest.
But knowing that your peace accompanies life encourages me.

Son of Peace,
today, make of me an announcer of your peace,
which breaks down hatred, egotism, abuse, lies, intolerance,
which ends the conflicts between peoples,
families and persons,
which reconciles all human beings with God,
with themselves, and with all who surround them,
making them new women and men.

Spirit of Unity,
gather in this humble prayer
the prayers from all your people in the world,
that your peace, your justice and your mercy enfold us
and enable us to live as one,
the new humanity of peace.

Source: WCC Prayer Cycle

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