Aug 3, 2010

Creative Minority with an Inherent Strength

Mathew 13:33 "He told then another parable:"The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened"

Jesus was an extra ordinary teacher.He presented his mission and vision through beautiful parables. Parables he used are not alien but familiar to the people of that time. All are simple but carries beautiful, unimaginable and realistic truths.

Kingdom of God is revealed and explained through incarnation, great and incomparable event the history ever seen......God took the form of human being........

How Kingdom of God functions or transforms........this parable teaches a few lessons..

1. Kingdom of heaven functions through creative minority.....Even though the quantity of yeast is less but the power inherent in it could transform a large quantity of flour. May not be big crowd......but a small group which has the inherent power received from our God could transform the world......

2. Kingdom of heaven is a dynamic is not a static situation but a vibrant movement.....powers of this world will be defeated in this moves forward even though many fights against it......

3. Kingdom of God transforms tasteless flour(Community) by inculcating taste by its inherent nature. It creates streams in the deserted empowers the weak and creates hope in the midst of heals the strengthens discriminated...

My simple question is .....where are we in this movement? we able to join hands with the creative minority to strive for God's Kingdom....Kingdom of heaven moves will not wait for power could prevent this will go will be reality one day.....

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