Aug 2, 2010

You Received without payment ; give without payment............

Jesus said to his disciples....."You received without payment;give without payment"
(Mathew 10;8)

God has given us everything without any payment........
How much we paid back? ....a fraction of what we received..........

Read the following story ( told by Paulo Coehlo)and reflect on it.....

Two men were crossing the desert when they saw a Bedouin’s(predominantly desert-dwelling Arab ethnic group)tent and asked him for shelter. Even though he did not know them, he welcomed them in the way that the conduct of nomads dictates: a camel was killed and its meat served in a sumptuous dinner.

The next day, the two strangers woke early and decided to continue on their journey. As the Bedouin was not at home, they gave his wife a hundred dinars, apologizing for not being able to wait, because if they spent any more time there, the sun would become too strong for them to travel.

They had traveled for four hours when they heard a voice calling out to them. They looked back and saw the Bedouin following them. As soon as he caught up with them, he threw the money to the ground.
“I gave you such a warm welcome! Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?”
In surprise, the strangers said that the camel were surely worth far more than that, but that they did not have much money.

“I am not talking about the amount,” was the answer. “The desert welcomes Bedouins wherever they go, and never asks anything in return. If we had to pay, how could we live? Welcoming you to my tent is like paying back a fraction of what life has given us.

May God bless us all...................

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