Aug 6, 2010

Live with God today

Psalms 145:17-19 " The Lord is just in all his ways, and kind in all his doings. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of all who fear him;he also hears their cry, and saves them."

Psalm 145 describes the greatness and goodness of God and it clearly portrays the very nature of God. The Lord is.."gracious", "slow in anger", "merciful","good to all","faithful", "just", "kind", "near", "hears their cry", "saves" continues.

How do we realise God's nature? God's nature can be understood only through by living in God and lives with God. Closeness to God helps us to realise the very nature of God. God reveals God's nature through God's actions. All the above mentioned characteristics of God are revealed to the Psalmist through God's actions towards him and other people.

Let me highlights some of the characteristics of God from the above mentioned verses

1. Lord is Just. Justice is the very nature of God and this justice is expressed in God's daily interventions in the history. Justice is revealed in relationships and God affirms justice in God's relationship with the human beings and nature

2. Lord is Kind. God's actions never comes out of prejudices or preoccupied attitudes. But God shows God's kindness in every of the greatest examples of God's kindness is WE LIVE TODAY......we live today because our God is kind enough to forgive our shortcomings and looking towards our return.

3. Lord hears the cry of the people.....God listens the unknown and unheard cries of the thousands....people are crying because nobody is there to help them except God.

4. Lord is Near.....Lord is near to all who call God in TRUTH......God always hate hypocrisy......but hears the cries of the people from their innocence and genuineness....

5.God Saves....God hears the cry of the truthful people and God saves them.....If we are in utter confusion God shows the way.....if we are discouraged God save us by giving Great hope....God holds us when we are weak....more than that God SAVES OUR LIFE.....

As a faith community we should experience God's nature through our journey with our God...

Our God is Just..God is just towards us...... and we are called to be just..
Our God is Kind...God is kind towards us.....and we are called to be kind
Our God hears the cry . God heard our cries......and we are called to open up our ears to listen the unheard cries...............
Our God is near....God was with us when we were lost.....and we too are called to near to the afflicted and the needy....
Our God saves ....God saved us from the sinfulness....and we are called to engage with our God in the salvific actions of our God.....

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