Aug 7, 2010

..the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him.....

Psalm 147: 10-11 "His delight is not in the strength of the horse,nor his pleasure in the speed of a runner; but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love"

Psalm 147 is a song of praise. Psalmist praises for God's care for Jerusalem, and the people who trusts him. It is a liturgical hymn and a kind of hallelujah hymn which adore and praise God for God's abundant mercy..................

How we can please God...? This is the one of the questions asked by many people. These verses clearly portrays that God delights in the people who fear him.Usually people may think that God will find God's delight and pleasure in the strength of this world....Psalmist is clear on that.....he compares with the strength of this world....and...the people who trust in God...

Strength of this world compared with the horse and a the strength can be different...wealth,knowledge, influence, power, and so on.....but God never pleases in these things.............But Lord takes pleasure and delight in those who fear him....and hope and trust in God's steadfast love.

God fearing Means................

1. God fearing people will keep the commandments of God. They will take God's words very seriously than the words of this world.

2. God fearing people acknowledge God's blessings and be thankful to do we express our thanks?.....not only through mere words...but through the actions came out of our strong convictions and the visions which we received from God through our daily engagement with our God......

3. God fearing people will be strong enough to fight with evil. God fearing people never afraid in the powers of the evil....but they delight in the power of God. Fighting against the evil is not a simple task.....but God fearing people will have enough courage to face the consequences which they may face in their fight against the evil powers....

4. God fearing people live for for God is a big task....they have to find time...they have to sacrifice...they have to experience the cross.....but they will not turn back....................

We should find our strength in God's strength.............
We should find our hope in God's steadfast love.....unending love...
May God Bless Us All.................

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