Aug 9, 2010

"You give them something to eat. You meet their need."

Read....Mark 6:30-44 In Mark, the feeding of the 5000 comes right after Jesus had sent the disciples to preach and heal in his name. When they returned, they must have had a lot of stories they wanted to share with each other. So Jesus asked them to come away with him to a lonely place,but the crowds found them and Jesus had compassion on them.

As the day went on, the disciples probably became upset, and they asked Jesus to send the people away so they could get food.Jesus responded to the disciples by saying: "You give them something to eat. You meet their need." The disciples were amazed – even if they could go and buy 200 denarrii worth of bread,the people still wouldn't have enough to eat.

Jesus told them to look at what was possible: "How many loaves have you? Go and see." Jesus blessed and broke what they found, and there were 12 baskets left over. The feeding of the 5,000 was a miracle not because Jesus performed a magic trick, but because the disciples looked for the possibilities they had among the people
gathered there, and they offered those resources to Jesus for his blessing.

Feeding 5000 people seemed overwhelming to the disciples, but it doesn’t compare with the needs of millions of refugees and the millions of starving people in the world today.

We too need to look for what is possible; if we offer what little we have to God, and ask God’s blessing on it, we too will see it multiplied beyond our expectations.

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