Apr 26, 2011

Christ is Risen....He is Risen Indeed

Resurrection of Jesus Christ has to be understood as the resurrection of a faith community. Church was born out of the resurrection of Christ. Worship is the affirmation of the faith in the RISEN CHRIST....

Early Christians used to wish each other that ......Christ is Risen....Christ is Risen Indeed............

Read Mathew 28:1-15, Mark;16:1-8, Luke:24 1-12, John 20:1-18

Resurrection of Jesus was the victory of the defeat..............
Resurrection of Jesus teaches that there is life after death................
Resurrection reveals that the victory of the powers of death is not ultimate and final......

1. Revealed or entombed Truth. Resurrection of Jesus reveals the fact that truth cannot be concealed for a long time.

2. Resurrection experience was a sending forth. Resurrection experience is described as a sending forth as it is a truth which has to be proclaimed. Truth has to be proclaimed and shared. Women, disciples and all who experienced the resurrection were witnessed their experience with others.

3. Resurrection was an experience to those who search for the Body of Christ or listened the truth or one who engaged in the discourses about Christ.
Christ will be a reality to those who travel with him or with those who carries the memories of him.

4. Defeat of the fear. Resurrection made the Disciples as a courageous community. Church became a fearless community, a community that does not fear the injustice, crucifixion and death.

Church is called to defeat the powers of death through resurrection
Church is called to proclaim truth in the midst of injustice, darkness and untruth
Church is called to carry the memories of the crucified and risen Christ......
Church is called to be a courageous community................

Prayer Risen Lord live in our midst. Living Lord rule over us. Lord help us to come out of our fear. Lord help us to be the bearers of truth.Amen

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