Apr 23, 2011

Journey of a Powerless King....

Mark 11:1-11 - Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Jesus' entry to Jerusalem is portrayed as the entry of a NEW KING.This has to be read in the context of Jesus' attitude towards the fruitless fig tree and Jerusalem Temple.

Fruitless Fig Tree symbolises the fruitless and hypocratic religiosity
Jerusalem Temple symbolises the corrupt, market driven and exploitative spirituality.

Jesus' Jerusalem entry is a direct confrontation with the fruitless and corrupt spirituality of the people. This journey is considered as one of the reasons for Jesus' arrest.Mark clearly says he entered into Jerusalem three times and never slept in Jerusalem(Mk 11:11, 11:15, 11:27). They never welcomed Jesus and they don't want to be disturbed by Jesus. The evil structures don't want to be disturbed by God. But by his Jerusalem Journey Jesus deliberately countering the evil and sinful structures. It was a journey of a NEW KING. It was a journey to establish a NEW KINGDOM. New Kingdom cannot be a reality by defeating the sinfulness.

Jesus' Jerusalem journey, cursing the fig tree, cleansing the temple were the enacted parables of Jesus. He communicated a strong message through these parables that God is not silent against the un-repented, unjust and God denying attitudes.

1.Kingship is de-constructed and re-imagined

Usually a King conduct processions for two reasons. Firstly, Before their coronation. Secondly, after a military victory.Here Jesus was on his journey towards coronation. Later narratives shows that Jesus was crowned with a crown made out of thorns. It was not a crown of power but it was the crown of suffering. Like that he foretells his victory over the powers of death.
A King with a borrowed donkey.........it is very interesting...a King without a donkey. Generally Kings own chariots, horses, palaces etc(symbolises their power and strength. But here is a king travels on a borrowed donkey.....
A King one who confronts the powerful structures with a powerless animal.....
A King without chariots ans soldiers....only some children and common people welcome this King....
A King one who led the war against the evil.....and the result was the assassination of the King....
It was journey to establish real peace, justice and love in the midst of false peace(Pax Romana)....peace imposed through military power....a silenced people.....
This journey should understood that Jesus was on his way towards the cross......
This was journey towards a just and God driven community.......
This was journey to defeat a cruel and oppressive powers.....
It has given a new hope to hopeless, discriminated and alienated people......

2. A Powerless King was recognised and welcomed.

Can you imagine a King travels on a donkey...?
If a King travels in a donkey nobody will recognise that King. But here small children and poor people recognises this unrecognised and powerless King....
They shout for this King. They shout for His Kingdom.....

Two questions.....

1. Are we with this Powerless King...?
2. Do we recognise a the real redeemer in Christ.

Today this text has to be read in the context of the weak and powerless. God is always with the marginalised and God always make use of the symbols and images of the weak and powerless to establish God's Kingdom.

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